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open bi Repository Server Release 2.9.5

We just released open bi Repository Server version 2.9.5 which includes new server parameters for configuring tracing and using HTTPS for the configuration port.

Export Users: This server version does only work with export version 1.6.13 or higher.
New tracing behaviour: No automatic tracing if "C:\biox" folder exists.
To restore the same tracing behaviour as in the previous versions you need to set the following server parameters:


  • Core: new server parameter "CONFIG_USE_HTTPS" if set to "X" the configuration port will use https for connections. For more information see the openbi installation guide
  • Core: new server parameters for tracing. "TRACE" which can be set to "X" to enable it and "TRACE_PATH" to specify the trace file location. For more information see the openbi installation guide
  • Dataprovider: reading documents via RFC function "/KAIWA/BIOX_READ_COMMENTS"
  • CMS: Automatic redirect after login if page required login and user wasn't logged in
  • Export: reading some word files didn't work before


  • Dataprovider: respect display mode setting from query designer

You can download the new version from here after you are logged in.

Bastian Buchholz
Author: Bastian Buchholz
Creation date: 26.04.2016
Category: Release Notes
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