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open bi Repository Server Release 3.0.0

We just released open bi Repository Server version 3.0.0 which now uses the new AspNetCore WebListener HTTP Server from Microsoft.

This server version requires .NET Framework 4.5.1 or higher.
The "Server Status - Console" feature in the Configurator does only work with Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8 or higher.


  • Core: using the new AspNetCore WebListener HTTP Server from Microsoft which is faster, more secure and more reliable than the old one.
  • Core: the different HTTP servers can now be disabled by setting their ports to 0 (zero) in the open bi Configurator (HttpPort, HttpsPort and ConfigPort)
  • Core: it is now possible to pass serversettings via command line arguments. For example:
    ibssolution.bioxRepository.exe --ConfigPort 8083 --HttpPort 8081 --HttpsPort 8082
    or you can create a windows service with predefined settings. For example:
    sc create "BI eXcellence OpenBI Repository Server Custom" binPath= "C:\OPENBI\BioxRepositoryService.exe --ConfigPort 8083 --HttpPort 8081 --HttpsPort 8082 --CONFIG_USE_HTTPS X"
  • Dataprovider: New SISTRIX dataprovider

You can download the new version from here after you are logged in.

Bastian Buchholz
Author: Bastian Buchholz
Creation date: 14.11.2016
Category: Release Notes
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