Using Placeholders in the CMS
This blog post shows you one of the advanced functions of CMS on open bi.
Open bi replaces the follwing placeholders on any HTML page that is published by the server. You can use them:
- in the source code of the CMS master page
- any page in the CMS role
- in an HTML item
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<title>open bi - %PAGE_TITLE%></title>
<openbi:htmltemplate data-template="biexcellence_shared_assets"></openbi:htmltemplate>
<body class="%BODY_CLASS%" data-spy="scroll" data-target="#content-scrollspy" data-offset="100">
The following list of placeholders is devided into general CMS or page placeholders, placeholders referencing the role content or placeholders for HTML Item related content, antiforgery and organizational placeholders:
References to CMS / page
References to the Role
References to HTML Items
Antiforgery placeholders
Organizational placeholders
In general all fields of the organization (ORGA_*), the user (USER_*) and the host header (HOSTHEADER_*) can be used in the placehoder. This also includes custom fields that you added using the Table Attributes.
In this documentation only some examples are given. To find all possible fields and their technical names, please refer to the entity documentation.