Server Settings can be configured via the Configurator or manually by editing the OPENBI\Configuration.xml
Standard Settings
Name | Description |
HttpPort | HTTP port used by the open bi server. Default 9091 . When set to 0 no port will be used. Requires service restart. |
HttpsPort | HTTPS port used by the open bi server. Default 9092 . When set to 0 no port will be used. Requires service restart. |
ConfigPort | HTTP config port used by the open bi server. Default 9093 . When set to 0 no port will be used. Requires service restart. |
SSLPath | Path or Common Name (CN) of the HTTPS certificate. When a CN is used the open bi server looks in the Windows Computer Certificate Store for a certificate with the same CN. Default \httpserver\openbi.p12 which is an expired, self-signed, wildcard certificate. Requires service restart.The certificate must include the private key, subject alternative name (SAN) and Server Authentication. |
SSLPassword | Password of the HTTPS certificate file. Unused when CN is specifed in SSLPath . |
Custom Settings
Name | Description |
TRACE | Configures server tracing in TRACE_FILE . Requires service restart. X : Maximum tracing output. INFO : Medium tracing output. ERROR : Minimal tracing output. DETAIL : Maximum tracing output with JSON from server commands. HTTPDETAIL : Maximum tracing output with HTTP headers. |
TRACE_FILE | Path to the trace file. Default: OPENBI directory + OpenbiTrace.txt . Requires service restart. |
LICENSE_FILE | Path to the license file. Default: OPENBI directory + openbi.lic . Requires service restart. |
CONFIG_USE_HTTPS | When set to X the configuration port (default 9093 ) uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. Make sure a valid HTTPS certificate is configured. Requires service restart. |
SESSION_TIMEOUT | Timeout in minutes after inactive sessions are cleaned up. Default: 30 minutes. |
SMTP_SERVER | SMTP-Server which is used for sending E-Mails. Default: localhost |
SMTP_PORT | Port of the SMTP-Server |
SMTP_SSL | When set to X SSL/TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. |
SMTP_USERNAME | The username if authentication is required by the SMTP server. If empty or omitted the mail account of the user that runs the open bi service is used. |
SMTP_PASSWORD | The password for the username if authentication is required by the SMTP server. |
SMTP_DOMAIN | The domain if authentication is required by the SMTP server. |
SMTP_BIND_IP | The network interface IP through which the E-Mails should be send. Default: use any network interface. |
SMTP_CERTIFICATE | Path or Common Name (CN) of the client certificate. When a CN is used the open bi server looks in the Windows Computer Certificate Store for a certificate with the same CN. The certificate must include the private key and Client Authentication. |
SMTP_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD | Password of the client certificate file. Unused when CN is specifed in SMTP_CERTIFICATE . |
ELEMENT_HISTORY_LIMIT | Limit of history elements which are created if a content element has changed. Default: 5 |
USE_LDAP_PWD_CHECK | When set to X the open bi Server uses LDAP for authentication. (Username must exist in the open bi Server.) See also LDAP_NAME . If set to LDAP_ONLY the open bi Server uses only LDAP for authentication. |
LDAP_NAME | Name of the LDAP Server. Requires USE_LDAP_PWD_CHECK . |
USE_COMPRESSION_FOR_HTTPS | When set to X enables response compression for HTTPS. Note that enabling this feature might lead to security problems. |
CORS_ORIGINS | The origins for which CORS is enabled. E.g.: http://localhost:9091; . Default: all origins are allowed. |
HSTS_HEADER | The Strict-Transport-Security header value which is send in every response. |
CONCURRENT_LOGIN | REJECT_NEW : Rejects new login attempts when the same user is already logged in. |
MAX_INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS | The maximum invalid login attempts after which the user is unable to login again. |
INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPIRATION | Invalid login attempts expiration in minutes after which the user can login again if MAX_INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS was reached. |
PASSWORD_LENGTH | Minimum length for new passwords. |
PASSWORD_REGEX | Regular Expression to validate required characters in new passwords. E.g.: (?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d) requires one lowercase character, one uppercase character and one number. E.g.: [a-zA-Z]+ requires one lower or uppercase character. |
PASSWORD_BANNED_LIST | List of passwords which are banned and can't be used by users. |
PASSWORD_EXPIRATION | Password expiration in days after which the user must change the password again. |
MAX_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE | The maximum size of request bodies in bytes. When set to UNLIMITED the request body size is unlimited. Default: 30000000 (which is 30 MB) |
CONTENT_FILE_ANTIVIRUS | When set to X the uploaded files are checked by Windows Defender and rejected if malware is detected. |
CONTENT_FILE_ENCRYPTION | When set to X the uploaded files will be encrypted and automatically decrypted during download. |
CONTENT_FILE_TYPES | Extensions and mime types separated by , which uploaded files are checked against. E.g. .pdf,application/pdf |
KEYFIGURE_POSITION | When set to LAST the keyfigures in dataproviders will always be below any column dimensions. |
WEB_DIRECTORY | Path to the directory which can be accessed through HTTP(S). Default: the OPENBI directory. Requires service restart. |
REQUIRE_XSRF | When set to X enables cross site request forgery validation for all POST requests. |
COOKIE_SAME_SITE | Specifies the SameSite attribute on the session-handle cookie. LAX : Sets the SameSite attribute to lax STRICT : Sets the SameSite attribute to strict |
COOKIE_SUBDOMAIN | When set to X enables that cookies should be scoped to individual subdomains instead of the top level domain. |
Environment Variables
Settings can also be specified in environment variables.
It is also possible to pass settings via the commandline.
$ .\OPENBI\ibssolution.bioxRepository.exe --ConfigPort 8083 --HttpPort 8081 --HttpsPort 8082 --CONFIG_USE_HTTPS X
Or create a windows service with these settings:
$ sc create "open bi Repository Server Custom" binPath= "C:\OPENBI\BioxRepositoryService.exe --ConfigPort 8083 --HttpPort 8081 --HttpsPort 8082 --CONFIG_USE_HTTPS X"
Be careful as commandline settings can not be overidden by anything else.
Server settings are used in the following order: Environment variables < Configuration.xml < Commandline