Server Settings

Server Settings can be configured via the Configurator or manually by editing the OPENBI\Configuration.xml file.

Standard Settings

Name Description
HttpPort HTTP port used by the open bi server. Default 9091. When set to 0 no port will be used. Requires service restart.
HttpsPort HTTPS port used by the open bi server. Default 9092. When set to 0 no port will be used. Requires service restart.
ConfigPort HTTP config port used by the open bi server. Default 9093. When set to 0 no port will be used. Requires service restart.
SSLPath Path or Common Name (CN) of the HTTPS certificate. When a CN is used the open bi server looks in the Windows Computer Certificate Store for a certificate with the same CN. Default \httpserver\openbi.p12 which is an expired, self-signed, wildcard certificate. Requires service restart.
The certificate must include the private key, subject alternative name (SAN) and Server Authentication.
SSLPassword Password of the HTTPS certificate file. Unused when CN is specifed in SSLPath.

Custom Settings

Name Description
TRACE Configures server tracing in TRACE_FILE. Requires service restart.
X: Maximum tracing output.
INFO: Medium tracing output.
ERROR: Minimal tracing output.
DETAIL: Maximum tracing output with JSON from server commands.
HTTPDETAIL: Maximum tracing output with HTTP headers.
TRACE_FILE Path to the trace file. Default: OPENBI directory + OpenbiTrace.txt. Requires service restart.
LICENSE_FILE Path to the license file. Default: OPENBI directory + openbi.lic. Requires service restart.
CONFIG_USE_HTTPS When set to X the configuration port (default 9093) uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. Make sure a valid HTTPS certificate is configured. Requires service restart.
SESSION_TIMEOUT Timeout in minutes after inactive sessions are cleaned up. Default: 30 minutes.
SMTP_SERVER SMTP-Server which is used for sending E-Mails. Default: localhost
SMTP_PORT Port of the SMTP-Server
SMTP_SSL When set to X SSL/TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server.
SMTP_USERNAME The username if authentication is required by the SMTP server. If empty or omitted the mail account of the user that runs the open bi service is used.
SMTP_PASSWORD The password for the username if authentication is required by the SMTP server.
SMTP_DOMAIN The domain if authentication is required by the SMTP server.
SMTP_BIND_IP The network interface IP through which the E-Mails should be send. Default: use any network interface.
SMTP_CERTIFICATE Path or Common Name (CN) of the client certificate. When a CN is used the open bi server looks in the Windows Computer Certificate Store for a certificate with the same CN.
The certificate must include the private key and Client Authentication.
SMTP_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD Password of the client certificate file. Unused when CN is specifed in SMTP_CERTIFICATE.
ELEMENT_HISTORY_LIMIT Limit of history elements which are created if a content element has changed. Default: 5
USE_LDAP_PWD_CHECK When set to X the open bi Server uses LDAP for authentication. (Username must exist in the open bi Server.) See also LDAP_NAME. If set to LDAP_ONLY the open bi Server uses only LDAP for authentication.
LDAP_NAME Name of the LDAP Server. Requires USE_LDAP_PWD_CHECK.
USE_COMPRESSION_FOR_HTTPS When set to X enables response compression for HTTPS. Note that enabling this feature might lead to security problems.
CORS_ORIGINS The origins for which CORS is enabled. E.g.: http://localhost:9091; Default: all origins are allowed.
HSTS_HEADER The Strict-Transport-Security header value which is send in every response.
CONCURRENT_LOGIN REJECT_NEW: Rejects new login attempts when the same user is already logged in.
MAX_INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS The maximum invalid login attempts after which the user is unable to login again.
INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPIRATION Invalid login attempts expiration in minutes after which the user can login again if MAX_INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS was reached.
PASSWORD_LENGTH Minimum length for new passwords.
PASSWORD_REGEX Regular Expression to validate required characters in new passwords. E.g.: (?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d) requires one lowercase character, one uppercase character and one number. E.g.: [a-zA-Z]+ requires one lower or uppercase character.
PASSWORD_BANNED_LIST List of passwords which are banned and can't be used by users.
PASSWORD_EXPIRATION Password expiration in days after which the user must change the password again.
MAX_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE The maximum size of request bodies in bytes. When set to UNLIMITED the request body size is unlimited. Default: 30000000 (which is 30 MB)
CONTENT_FILE_ANTIVIRUS When set to X the uploaded files are checked by Windows Defender and rejected if malware is detected.
CONTENT_FILE_ENCRYPTION When set to X the uploaded files will be encrypted and automatically decrypted during download.
CONTENT_FILE_TYPES Extensions and mime types separated by , which uploaded files are checked against. E.g. .pdf,application/pdf
KEYFIGURE_POSITION When set to LAST the keyfigures in dataproviders will always be below any column dimensions.
WEB_DIRECTORY Path to the directory which can be accessed through HTTP(S). Default: the OPENBI directory. Requires service restart.
REQUIRE_XSRF When set to X enables cross site request forgery validation for all POST requests.
COOKIE_SAME_SITE Specifies the SameSite attribute on the session-handle cookie.
LAX: Sets the SameSite attribute to lax
STRICT: Sets the SameSite attribute to strict
COOKIE_SUBDOMAIN When set to X enables that cookies should be scoped to individual subdomains instead of the top level domain.

Environment Variables

Settings can also be specified in environment variables.


It is also possible to pass settings via the commandline.

$ .\OPENBI\ibssolution.bioxRepository.exe --ConfigPort 8083 --HttpPort 8081 --HttpsPort 8082 --CONFIG_USE_HTTPS X

Or create a windows service with these settings:

$ sc create "open bi Repository Server Custom" binPath= "C:\OPENBI\BioxRepositoryService.exe --ConfigPort 8083 --HttpPort 8081 --HttpsPort 8082 --CONFIG_USE_HTTPS X"

Be careful as commandline settings can not be overidden by anything else.

Server settings are used in the following order: Environment variables < Configuration.xml < Commandline